Sunday, June 26, 2011

Artifact creator, maven command generator

I have written this program for my own requirement. I feel it is a generic one. I have written a test program for adding a new feature, now I want to add that feature to my real application. I need to find what are the additional jars used, and create pom dependencies. This programs takes 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter. Click here to download.

Parameter list
  1. Source1: Path to lib folder of the test program(required).
  2. Source2: Path to lib folder of the real program(required).
  3. Pom: Path where the output will be printed(optional), output can be seen from console.
  1. List of jars available with same version.
  2. List of jars available with different version.
  3. Maven command for installing the new jars into maven repository.
Here is the command to use this program

java -jar artifact-creator-0.5.jar -s1 /path/of/lib/folder/of/test/program -s2 /path/of/lib/folder/of/real/program -pom /path/of/file/where/output/printed/optional

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