Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Logger is ready to use

This is your personal assistant and stays online 24x7x365.

My Logger( is ready to use. It is a chat bot that you can add to your gmail or any XMPP based mail account. Once your account is active, you can save info with a tag and can retrieve it later by tag. IM is the simplest way to access and store information.

Signup Instructions:
  1. Invite to your chat account. It can be gmail or any XMPP based account. Thats it, you don't need to install any software or do any registration..
After your account is active. Instruction to use the application:
  1. To save data see the below example
    movie: Inception
    Here movie is the tag and Inception is the info to be saved. You can add any number of info to a single tag.
  2. To retrieve data by tag see the below example
    L movie
    Here you will get all the info associated wit the tag 'movie'.
  3. To retrieve all info irrespective of tag see below example
    Yes, just l. It will list all the information you have saved.
  4. To retrieve all tags
  5. To remove the last information you entered
    You can keep doing undo any number of times, there is no limitation. Be warned there is NO REDO.
This project is not complete. Please send me your comments and suggestions at

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Consequence is consistent with cause, no matter what!

Consequence is consistent with cause, no matter what! This is known to everyone, still I feel like repeating. What we are now is result of what we think, what we read, what see, whom we speak, whom we work with, the events we involved with and so on, which includes the entire world directly or indirectly. When the whole world is contributing towards us, what we need to do? Just manage where you want to get involved directly and where indirectly, because priority matters which in turn is outsourcing.

This is gist of 2 books I have read long back Outliers By Malcom Gladwell and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Artifact creator, maven command generator

I have written this program for my own requirement. I feel it is a generic one. I have written a test program for adding a new feature, now I want to add that feature to my real application. I need to find what are the additional jars used, and create pom dependencies. This programs takes 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter. Click here to download.

Parameter list
  1. Source1: Path to lib folder of the test program(required).
  2. Source2: Path to lib folder of the real program(required).
  3. Pom: Path where the output will be printed(optional), output can be seen from console.
  1. List of jars available with same version.
  2. List of jars available with different version.
  3. Maven command for installing the new jars into maven repository.
Here is the command to use this program

java -jar artifact-creator-0.5.jar -s1 /path/of/lib/folder/of/test/program -s2 /path/of/lib/folder/of/real/program -pom /path/of/file/where/output/printed/optional

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Logic and Observation both are important

Most of the time decision can be of two types "Logic Lead" and "Observation Lead". Logic lead decision making is internal and based on the facts/information someone already know. Where as sometimes we don't need to think so much to conclude a decision rather need to observe the context and even the question carefully to get the answer.

In logic lead decision making the biggest mistake someone can do is ignoring to consider the targeted audience, after all audience is who evaluates the quality of your decision. But decision maker is solely responsible for the longterm effect of the decision be it good or bad.