Sunday, October 10, 2010

Robot movie: A prototype of future AI

I watched the movie Robot and liked it. Here I'm talking about the creative part of the movie, neither concerned about the story of movie nor even the way the actors played their role. The movie can be used as a prototype for the AI projects.

I love programming and Cognitive & Brain Sciences are my passions. Neuron schema of a AI project can be the combination of both. This is first time I'm searching for AI related programming, not aware of any such open source projects, hope will find some interesting projects, Please post links in comment if you find any such projects.

I need a robot which reads books, learn new things, make summary of books, answer questions. Even if not all books it should be about to read programming & business books, the books I mostly read.

I don't want it to write program and take my job away, don't have a girlfriend so no worry of losing that :)