Saturday, August 15, 2009

I was scared of mask wearing people, Swine Flu

desease swine, influenza A, i'm not infected....Image by Dan Queiroz via Flickr

Today morning I read about swine flu from my most trusted source information wikipedia. What understood is, swine flu is not that much dangerous as I have perceived. The normal good health habits can bit the flu easily. Even if someone is infected it can be cured.
Yesterday I was going to Paradise circle in a cab from Dr. A.S Rao Nagar, near Nadermet a group of people get into the same cab. I was scared of them as they were following everything whatever I have read in newspaper, wearing mask and drinking water frequently. They all belong to same family; children, father and mother. First I thought better to get down and go by hiring an auto, later I thought its better to ask them. So I asked "Are you all scared of swine flu or......?". The answer was "its better to be proactive, right?". This gave me enough confidence to not to get down from the cab, still I was worried and was trying to breath fresh air from the window. Came back by auto to avoid mask wearing people :).

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